The first one relates to the hardware: the products are moving from an analog to a digital pyro. The digital pyro detects the temperature fluctuations with a high degree of precision, allowing for a reduction of electrical interferences and more accurate detection.
The second breakthrough technology is in the software: the neural algorithm. It is a code that allows the software to learn signals and adapt the response accordingly.
Products remain unchanged on the outside, it’s all in their brain. Both technologies combined have the mission to improve the signal quality for a false alarm immunity like never before.
Created by our engineering team, the neural algorithm is an innovation that stands out and represents a major step forward in the detection world – with a patent pending.
Because Aritech means quality, our products are constantly improving; there is no cost added for an improved technology.
Tests and field trials success
Software-based technology
These two upgrades, the digital pyro and the neural algorithm, are and will be the foundation of our new generation sensors.
It also means that these two enhanced features can be upgraded and further enhanced on our future product lines.
Please check the links on the right side of this page to obtain the list of updated detectors and to know more about the features.